Semi-crystalline thermoplastic PEEK film with up to 40 % various fillers such as graphite, carbon fibres or talc
General properties:
- improved tribological properties
- higher modulus of elasticity
- higher thermal conductivity
- lower coefficient of thermal expansion
Physical properties:
- Density (ISO1183): 1,61 g/cm³
- Glass transition temperature (ISO11357): 143 °C
- Melting temperature: 343 °C
Mechanical properties: (Inj. moulded test specimens)
- Tensile strength at 23°C (ISO527): 145 N/mm²
- Tensile elongation at 23°C (ISO527): 1,8 %
- Tensile modulus (ISO527): 13000 N/mm²
Thermal properties:
- Thermal conductivity x 10² (DIN52612): 1,12 W/mK
Waer properties:
- Coefficient of Friction: rd. 0,2
- Specific Wear Rate: rd. 0,3